Unibar Services, Inc.
M&A Transactions > Unibar Services, Inc.
Olameter, Inc., based in Montreal, Quebec, and Unibar Services, Inc., based in Ann Arbor, Michigan, have completed a partnering transaction aimed at creating one of the leading utilities services companies in North America. Olameter offers a full range of services and systems for electric, gas, and water utilities, energy managers and retailers, and other related entities. Unibar, through its subsidiaries, ACCU-READ Services and UNIBAR Damage Prevention, provides an array of services to utilities throughout the United States. Tullius Partners represented and acted as exclusive financial advisor to UniBar Services, Inc.
When we first began to seriously consider an exit strategy, Tullius emphasized the importance of planning far ahead to ensure that we positioned the business to adequately capture all of its value. That led us to retain Tullius Partners well in advance of our sale. And now in hindsight, I can say that the board and I consider that among the best strategic decisions we made.